Since the first performance in 1997, this world famous NANTA has been drawing the largest number of audience in Korean stage history.
The record-breaking show has broadended its stage from Seoul and Jeju Island in Korea to Broadway, NY, and to the world. NANTA hits the world with countless encoures from 6,150,000 spectators of 19,200 shows in 268 cities, 41 countries. It is a very amazing non-verbal performance integrates
Korea's traditional rhythm, Samulnori, with comedy and drama in kitchen! Audiences of all ages and nationalities can enjoy !

1997年初演後, 就受到了熱烈觀近。到目前為止成為韓國演出史上最能動員觀眾參與的演出。1999年在愛丁堡音樂節上初次登場便得到最高評價。
2004年2月最終作為亞洲演出中最初登上百老舞台的演出獲得了成功。目前在全世界有600萬觀眾, 於41個國家, 268個城市, 19,000多場看過亂打
并被它的魅力所深深打動。亂打打刀和案板等用具升華成師氣的樂器, 跨國際, 男女老少皆宜均可感受到的飽含力量的演出。

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